Many hands around a globe

Heisenberg Position GloBe

Dr Margret Frenz, FRHistS, FHEA

[Photo: Dhiraj Kannaujia]

Connected histories between Germany, Europe, and the world in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries

Research and teaching at the Heisenberg Position explore social, cultural and historical connections of colonial and post-colonial societies between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Historical processes of transformation and exchange are investigated through the prism of 'connected histories'.

The movements and flows of goods, people, and ideas are at the centre of our research, particularly, migration movements of individuals between continents. Taking a historical perspective coupled with an interdisciplinary approach is ever more important to understand our entangled and and globalized world. Global historical research has become one of the most promising and exciting fields in historical studies today.

Areas of interest
• History of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries
• Connected histories: Germany and Europe in a global context
• Comparative colonial and imperial history
• Social and cultural history
• History of migration and memory
• Debates in historiography and methodology

Past Events (selected)

Presentation at the Department of Modern History

Dr Margret Frenz, FRHistS, FHEA, presented a paper on 'Europa im Wandel globaler Verflechtung. Das Beispiel der Ugandan Asians' in the lecture series Geschichte(n) der Welt? Neue Forschungen der Globalgeschichte at the department of modern history at the University of Paderborn.

Seminar Series Global History

Dr Festo Mkenda (Xavier University, Cincinnati OH): Africa and the Usefulness of “Theoretical Heresy” in the Study of Global History
8 July 2021, 7pm
Online from the Town Hall Stuttgart

Professor Dr Aparajith Ramnath (Ahmedabad University): International Networks and Aircraft Manufacture in Colonial and Postcolonial India, 1940-1964
17 June 2021, 7pm
Online from the Town Hall Stuttgart

Professor Dr Susanne Rau (University of Erfurt): Global Cities in der Vormoderne? Zur Räumlichkeit und Zeitlichkeit von Globalität
20 May 2021, 7pm
Online from the Town Hall Stuttgart

Professor Dr Cyrus Schayegh (The Graduate Institute, Geneva): Methodological and Conceptual Reflections on Composing 'Global History of the Modern Middle East: A Primary Source Reader'
6 May 2021, 7pm
Online from the Town Hall Stuttgart

Professor Dr Christof Dejung (University of Bern): Globale Sozialgeschichte. Überlegungen zu einem neuen Forschungsfeld auf dem Gebiet der Globalgeschichte
22 April 2021, 7pm
Online from the Town Hall Stuttgart

Panel Chair for the session on Narrating Gender with Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor and Sulaiman Addonia. Watch the conversation here.

Lecture accompanying the exhibition 'Schwieriges Erbe. Linden-Museum und Württemberg im Kolonialismus' 

Dr Margret Frenz, FRHistS, FHEA, presented a lecture on ‛Beziehungsgeschichte(n) der Mission. Unterwegs zwischen Europa, Südasien und Afrika’ at the Linden-Museum Stuttgart (online) on 22 January 2021 at 6:30 pm .


Presentation at the Research Seminar in Modern History

Dr Margret Frenz, FRHistS, FHEA, presented a paper on ‘Moving Histories. Verbindungen über den Indischen Ozean im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert’ at the research seminar in modern history (Professor Christoph Cornelißen and Professor Andreas Fahrmeir) at the University of Frankfurt, IG 457, on 27 January 2020 at 6:00 pm.

Lecture at the 'Pontische Abend'

Dr Margret Frenz, FRHistS, FHEA, presented the annual lecture at the 'Pontische Abend' on ‘“... noch eine liebe Heimat”: Eine glokale Familiengeschichte’ at the University of Stuttgart, KII, M17.01, on 1 February 2020 at 7:00 pm .

Dr Margret Frenz, FRHistS, FHEA, presented the IUSD-Lecture on 'Inscribing the City: The Urban Landscape of Zanzibar Stone Town' on 3 December 2019 at 17:30 hrs in room 8.04 in the KI.

The 12th EASAS Doctoral Workshop, organized by Dr Frenz and Dr Berkemer, took place at the University of Stuttgart between 19 and 21 September 2019. The workshop report can be found here.



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